Original Publication Date: 1993
Ghostwriter? Yes, Ellen Miles
While Jessi's parents, aunt, and brother go out of town for a wedding (Squirt will be baby-sat during it) and Becca stays at the Pikes' (the Johannsens weren't available), Jessi gets to visit New York. She heads over with Stacey for the weekend, and gets to spend time with Quint. While at his apartment, they overhear two men in another apartment across the alley. They're arguing loudly enough for Jessi and Quint to hear that they're planning a jewel heist. But they don't know many details, and decide to find out more before going to the police. But, in a fantastic twist, the two would-be thieves are actors rehearsing a script! Oh, what tomfoolery!
Also, Jessi and Quint decide to be just friends until they're older or live closer.
Back in the 'brooke, Becca is being a major pain about being "abandoned" by her family. She gradually calms down enough to somewhat enjoy her stay at the Pikes', but is of course still overjoyed when her parents return.
Established or continued in this book:
The Girls (and Logan):
Claudia candy: Munchos (what?), Doritos, Lifesavers, jawbreakers, Kit-Kats, Snickers, Ruffles
In the last book Jessi narrated, she practically agreed with Mallory's assessment of herself as "not pretty" but now she's amended that to say she does think Mallory's cute but Mallory won't believe her.
Stacey and Jessi both love zoos.
Their Families:
Becca's awfully whiny for an eight-year-old. Certainly I've met whiny eight-year-olds, but I've also met younger kids who handle disappointment better. Fortunately, this isn't too typical of the Becca I've seen.
I think Stacey's dad is still spoiling her/trying to make up for not seeing her; he takes her to VERY fancy places to eat, takes her shopping all day, and so on. Especially when he promises another night out to justify that he's going in to the office on a Saturday.
Becca has a good appetite, and loves tacos.
The Pikes call empty wrapping paper or paper towel tubes "hoo hoo tubes." Please. They're "dir-di-dirs."
The Club: nothing new
SMS: nothing new
PSA Time:
You know, emergency services never get mad at people for calling 911 when the callers legitimately think there's something a reasonable person would call an emergency (meaning, "I heard a crash and I think it might be a cat burglar but I'm not sure" vs "THE FAST FOOD PLACE WON'T GET MY ORDER RIGHT").
I don't know, no-kid weddings seem weird to me. There are always kids in my extended family (when you have 15 first cousins ranging from mid-thirties to less than a year old, it happens), and it wouldn't seem right to invite some cousins and not others. I sort of understand; certain venues are geared to adults, or the bride and groom aren't comfortable around kids. But it still seems odd, because parents can usually handle their children for a couple hours. Oh well, the only wedding guest list I needed to concern myself with was mine.
John Lennon is described as "the Beatle who died." Uh, true, but not JUST died...
Thanks to some editing weirdness, we have a BSC notebook entry from Claudia in front of a Mary Anne sitting chapter, and the entry is from a different sitting job (chapter 10). Mary Anne's entry shows up in front of Claudia-narrated Chapter 13.
This is Jessi's one and only mystery. Apparently Scholastic didn't want to encourage eleven-year-olds to solve mysteries. But thirteen-year-olds? Go for it!
The numbers:
Starting 8th grade: 4
Halloweens in 8th grade: 2 (plus one in seventh)
Valentine's Days in 8th grade: 2
Summers after 8th grade: 3
BSC Fights: 8
SMS Staff and Faculty: 32
Students (other than the BSC): 96; 63 8th graders, 2 7th grader, 18 6th graders, 12 unspecified
Clients: 29
Types of candy in Claudia’s room: 72 (Okay, this list is getting out of hand. I'm still keeping track in a Word document, and when I finish I'll post it all)
Crushes (same here; too long):
Mary Anne-2
Charmed 2.16, Murphy’s Luck: On the Ledge
5 days ago