Original Publication Date: 1995
Ghostwriter? Yes, Ellen Miles
A baking company is holding a contest, and Claudia and Mary Anne decide to enter with Shea Rodowsky. Logan's also on a team with his sister and a classmate (Cokie and her cronies make up another team). Other members of the BSC are going to watch contestants' kids in a daycare.
Of course, it's not long before things go awry. A seven-year-old girl in the daycare keeps breaking things or making messes and hiding them. Turns out it's her brother and she just readily accepts the blame, which is so painfully obvious to everyone but the BSC. It's actually pretty creepy the way the boy sets her up and plays innocent and how the girl so easily gives up any thought of defending herself. The BSC does try to help once they FINALLY figure out what's going on, but still...creepy.
The baking contest holds the main mystery: a saboteur is on the loose. People are having their ingredients switched, their ovens tampered with, and so on. The BSC narrows down a list of suspects and sets up a trap, revealing the culprit to the judges. Then the contest can resume fairly, and Claudia's team wins using an old recipe that Mary Anne's mom used to make. Her dad brings in the recipe at the last minute and mentions how long it's been since he's had it...it's pretty touching.
Established or continued in this book:
The Girls (and Logan):
Claudia candy: Snickers, M&Ms, and Fritos in her sock drawer, fruit leather under her bed, Smartfood in her nighttable, Twizzlers under her pillow
Dawn's feeling homesick for California, especially after the news about Sunny's mom.
Their Families:
I find it odd that there's no formal custody arrangement with Stacey and her parents. She just visits her dad when she feels like. Come to think of it, it seems that way with Dawn and Jeff too.
The Club (and clients):
Reading the beginning of the first chapter when Claudia's interacting with Jamie...she really is written as a fantastic sitter. Claudia, exist in real life and baby-sit my daughter!
Claudia gets to know Grace Blume a little, since Cokie's out sick. Turns out she likes Nancy Drew, too.
PSA Time:
I know someone who doesn't consider following a recipe "real" baking, because "real" chefs don't follow recipes. Really? Then how do they reproduce a dish from one day to the next? Claudia tries to experiment with recipes but realizes that there's a reason some things are popular: they work (this applies to more than just recipes).
I think this book illustrates why you should tase your dough or batter as you bake. Delicious, and defends against sabotage.
The numbers:
Starting 8th grade: 7
Halloweens in 8th grade: 4 (plus one in seventh)
Thanksgivings in 8th grade: 1
Christmases in 8th grade: 1 (Hanukkah is also mentioned, but no one in the BSC celebrates it)
Valentine's Days in 8th grade: 2
Summers after 8th grade: 8
BSC Fights: 10
SMS Staff and Faculty: 48
Students (other than the BSC): 175; 111 8th graders, 6 7th graders, 42 6th graders, 15 unspecified. Baby-sitters' Winter Vacation tells us that SMS has about 380 students.
Clients: 33 families
Types of candy in Claudia’s room: 112
Mary Anne-2
Stacey and the Bad Girls (RS#87)
Original Publication Date: 1995
Ghostwriter? Yes, Peter Lerangis
With school out for the summer and no BSC, Stacey has a lot of free time. She mostly spends it hanging out with her friends until her mom suggests Stacey get a job. She's soon employed at a mall childcare center. Stacey still has time for her friends though. They often meet her at the mall, sometimes using her employee discount. But then they return the (expensive) items for full price...And when the group goes to a rock concert, Stacey's new friends sneak in alcohol. It's supposed to be an alcohol-free venue, so they all get kicked out.
We also get a subplot with Dawn's young second cousin visiting for a few weeks and having a tough time adjusting to not seeing her parents. Also, Dawn gets a call from her California best friend Sunny that Sunny's mother has been diagnosed with lung cancer.
Dawn's cousin ends up sneaking away to where Stacey works, trying to find a way back to her parents. Seeing Mary Anne and Dawn gets Stacey thinking about what makes a good friend. She calls Claudia, who talks to the rest of the BSC, and within a few days Stacey's back in (on a probationary basis).
Established or continued in this book:
The Girls (and Logan):
Claudia candy: Chunkies, Oreos, Ring-Dings, Twinkies, chips, pretzels
Kristy's "not necessarily school-brilliant." I thought she got decent grades?
Dawn's still hinting about missing the west coast.
Their Families:
We know Claudia's parents are strict about books (although I like the theory that they're really not, but use the temptation of forbidden fruit to get Claudia to read Nancy Drews). Specifically, the approved list is limited to computer manuals, school books, and great literature.
The Club (and clients):
At the beginning of the book, Shannon's still the alternate officer, with Dawn as treasurer.
8th grade students: Heather Epstein, Jacqui Grant, Mia Pappas.
PSA Time: nothing stood out.
When Stacey sees the small bottles/flasks of alcohol her new friends have, she thinks for just a moment that it's cough syrup. My younger brother used to think that in Back to the Future Part II, Biff was taking a drink from a bottle of vanilla extract.
Pigs can't sweat. That's why they wallow in mud; it cools them down. Acts as sunscreen, too.
The numbers:
Starting 8th grade: 7
Halloweens in 8th grade: 4 (plus one in seventh)
Thanksgivings in 8th grade: 1
Christmases in 8th grade: 1 (Hanukkah is also mentioned, but no one in the BSC celebrates it)
Valentine's Days in 8th grade: 2
Summers after 8th grade: 8
BSC Fights: 10
SMS Staff and Faculty: 48
Students (other than the BSC): 175; 111 8th graders, 6 7th graders, 42 6th graders, 15 unspecified. Baby-sitters' Winter Vacation tells us that SMS has about 380 students.
Clients: 33 families
Types of candy in Claudia’s room: 112
Mary Anne-2
Ghostwriter? Yes, Peter Lerangis
With school out for the summer and no BSC, Stacey has a lot of free time. She mostly spends it hanging out with her friends until her mom suggests Stacey get a job. She's soon employed at a mall childcare center. Stacey still has time for her friends though. They often meet her at the mall, sometimes using her employee discount. But then they return the (expensive) items for full price...And when the group goes to a rock concert, Stacey's new friends sneak in alcohol. It's supposed to be an alcohol-free venue, so they all get kicked out.
We also get a subplot with Dawn's young second cousin visiting for a few weeks and having a tough time adjusting to not seeing her parents. Also, Dawn gets a call from her California best friend Sunny that Sunny's mother has been diagnosed with lung cancer.
Dawn's cousin ends up sneaking away to where Stacey works, trying to find a way back to her parents. Seeing Mary Anne and Dawn gets Stacey thinking about what makes a good friend. She calls Claudia, who talks to the rest of the BSC, and within a few days Stacey's back in (on a probationary basis).
Established or continued in this book:
The Girls (and Logan):
Claudia candy: Chunkies, Oreos, Ring-Dings, Twinkies, chips, pretzels
Kristy's "not necessarily school-brilliant." I thought she got decent grades?
Dawn's still hinting about missing the west coast.
Their Families:
We know Claudia's parents are strict about books (although I like the theory that they're really not, but use the temptation of forbidden fruit to get Claudia to read Nancy Drews). Specifically, the approved list is limited to computer manuals, school books, and great literature.
The Club (and clients):
At the beginning of the book, Shannon's still the alternate officer, with Dawn as treasurer.
8th grade students: Heather Epstein, Jacqui Grant, Mia Pappas.
PSA Time: nothing stood out.
When Stacey sees the small bottles/flasks of alcohol her new friends have, she thinks for just a moment that it's cough syrup. My younger brother used to think that in Back to the Future Part II, Biff was taking a drink from a bottle of vanilla extract.
Pigs can't sweat. That's why they wallow in mud; it cools them down. Acts as sunscreen, too.
The numbers:
Starting 8th grade: 7
Halloweens in 8th grade: 4 (plus one in seventh)
Thanksgivings in 8th grade: 1
Christmases in 8th grade: 1 (Hanukkah is also mentioned, but no one in the BSC celebrates it)
Valentine's Days in 8th grade: 2
Summers after 8th grade: 8
BSC Fights: 10
SMS Staff and Faculty: 48
Students (other than the BSC): 175; 111 8th graders, 6 7th graders, 42 6th graders, 15 unspecified. Baby-sitters' Winter Vacation tells us that SMS has about 380 students.
Clients: 33 families
Types of candy in Claudia’s room: 112
Mary Anne-2
Baby-sitters' Haunted House (SM#1)
Original Publication Date: 1995
Ghostwriter? Yes, Jeanne Betancourt
It's summer (again) and Claudia, Kristy, Mary Anne, and Dawn are off to Maine for a bit to watch Karen and Andrew Brewer and four kids of another family (friends on the Brewers' mom's side). The latter family, the Menders, have inherited a very nice house up there and are deciding whether to move. Jessi, Mallory, Logan, and Shannon agree to cover their sitting jobs. Oh, one more thing: the house seems to be haunted. (Of course, it's just the "caretakers" trying to scare the Menders away because they're actually cousins who are in the will too, and a couple times the Menders' oldest child.)
Claudia spends a lot of time with one Georgio Trono, the college-age gardener. He's briefly crush material, but she thinks he's behind the fake hauntings, plus he's six or more years older. She also helps the Menders kids put together a float for the town parade (like she does in about every third Super Special).
Kristy reigns in Karen's over-helpfulness, as the latter tries to push one of the young charges into making friends instead of letting her go at her own pace. She also helps Jason Menders (elementary-aged) make friends with members of the local baseball team.
Mary Anne bores everyone with tidbits of information about New England. I love history and trivia, but even I think she goes too far.
Dawn gets a mini-me in the form of Jill Menders, one of the sitting charges.
Jessi and Mallory take turns being president of the BSC and goes okay. They think Shannon doesn't respect their authority (she talks down a bit, but it's more that she's busy) and that Logan is brushing them off (he has a job--somehow--at a restaurant). Really, what happens is that they're in over their head and they panic. Things get busy, and Janine even takes a job! The two think they've destroyed the BSC, but of course it works out fine.
Logan (no chapter for Shannon!) puts up with the insanity of frazzled Mallory and Jessi.
Karen gets a chapter too and ticks me off by refusing to use contractions. That doesn't make you look smart. It makes it look like you don't understand grammar conventions.
Stacey doesn't get a chapter or subplot because she's a HOAR who thinks she's too good for the BSC.
Established or continued in this book:
The Girls (and Logan):
Claudia candy: Chuckle Rings and rice cakes under her bed, Tootsie Rolls under her mattress, blue corn chips, and Twinkies
Dawn's getting wistful for California.
Their Families:
Kristy counts herself as related to Karen and Andrew, despite there being no blood ties. I like that; I have a lot of steps and halves and adopteds and even more tenuous relations than that in my extended family.
The Club (and clients):
Shannon's still the alternate officer, with Dawn as treasurer.
At one point Mallory and Jessi decide to stop taking turns being president because there are only the two of them. Way back in Hello, Mallory, during the short-lived sitting club (Kids, Inc) Mallory and Jessi found, they come to the same conclusion.
Mrs. Hall, Claudia's English teacher, does sound like an awesome teacher. Claudia describes how the teacher has gone out of her way to help Claudia pass, even letting her do a summer writing project rather than summer school. You can tell that Claudia appreciates the extra help and works harder as a result.
PSA Time:
To clean a glass/crystal/etc chandelier or candlelabra, put a bath towel underneath where it hangs from the ceiling and spray it down liberally with rubbing alcohol (provided you know it won't damage the material it's made of). Because rubbing alcohol evaporates at a low temperature, you won't need to dry all the nooks and crannies; just let it drip onto the towel.
Probably a terrible idea to advertise on your home answering machine that you'll be gone for six weeks. "Hi! You've reached the [residence]. If you want to break in before the end of next month, we won't notice until we get back. Have fun!"
This is clearly the same summer as the last book, but part of it takes place when the camp should be happening. FOUL.
The numbers:
Starting 8th grade: 7
Halloweens in 8th grade: 4 (plus one in seventh)
Thanksgivings in 8th grade: 1
Christmases in 8th grade: 1 (Hanukkah is also mentioned, but no one in the BSC celebrates it)
Valentine's Days in 8th grade: 2
Summers after 8th grade: 8
BSC Fights: 10
SMS Staff and Faculty: 48
Students (other than the BSC): 172; 108 8th graders, 6 7th graders, 42 6th graders, 15 unspecified. Baby-sitters' Winter Vacation tells us that SMS has about 380 students.
Clients: 33 families
Types of candy in Claudia’s room: 112
Mary Anne-2
Ghostwriter? Yes, Jeanne Betancourt
It's summer (again) and Claudia, Kristy, Mary Anne, and Dawn are off to Maine for a bit to watch Karen and Andrew Brewer and four kids of another family (friends on the Brewers' mom's side). The latter family, the Menders, have inherited a very nice house up there and are deciding whether to move. Jessi, Mallory, Logan, and Shannon agree to cover their sitting jobs. Oh, one more thing: the house seems to be haunted. (Of course, it's just the "caretakers" trying to scare the Menders away because they're actually cousins who are in the will too, and a couple times the Menders' oldest child.)
Claudia spends a lot of time with one Georgio Trono, the college-age gardener. He's briefly crush material, but she thinks he's behind the fake hauntings, plus he's six or more years older. She also helps the Menders kids put together a float for the town parade (like she does in about every third Super Special).
Kristy reigns in Karen's over-helpfulness, as the latter tries to push one of the young charges into making friends instead of letting her go at her own pace. She also helps Jason Menders (elementary-aged) make friends with members of the local baseball team.
Mary Anne bores everyone with tidbits of information about New England. I love history and trivia, but even I think she goes too far.
Dawn gets a mini-me in the form of Jill Menders, one of the sitting charges.
Jessi and Mallory take turns being president of the BSC and goes okay. They think Shannon doesn't respect their authority (she talks down a bit, but it's more that she's busy) and that Logan is brushing them off (he has a job--somehow--at a restaurant). Really, what happens is that they're in over their head and they panic. Things get busy, and Janine even takes a job! The two think they've destroyed the BSC, but of course it works out fine.
Logan (no chapter for Shannon!) puts up with the insanity of frazzled Mallory and Jessi.
Karen gets a chapter too and ticks me off by refusing to use contractions. That doesn't make you look smart. It makes it look like you don't understand grammar conventions.
Stacey doesn't get a chapter or subplot because she's a HOAR who thinks she's too good for the BSC.
Established or continued in this book:
The Girls (and Logan):
Claudia candy: Chuckle Rings and rice cakes under her bed, Tootsie Rolls under her mattress, blue corn chips, and Twinkies
Dawn's getting wistful for California.
Their Families:
Kristy counts herself as related to Karen and Andrew, despite there being no blood ties. I like that; I have a lot of steps and halves and adopteds and even more tenuous relations than that in my extended family.
The Club (and clients):
Shannon's still the alternate officer, with Dawn as treasurer.
At one point Mallory and Jessi decide to stop taking turns being president because there are only the two of them. Way back in Hello, Mallory, during the short-lived sitting club (Kids, Inc) Mallory and Jessi found, they come to the same conclusion.
Mrs. Hall, Claudia's English teacher, does sound like an awesome teacher. Claudia describes how the teacher has gone out of her way to help Claudia pass, even letting her do a summer writing project rather than summer school. You can tell that Claudia appreciates the extra help and works harder as a result.
PSA Time:
To clean a glass/crystal/etc chandelier or candlelabra, put a bath towel underneath where it hangs from the ceiling and spray it down liberally with rubbing alcohol (provided you know it won't damage the material it's made of). Because rubbing alcohol evaporates at a low temperature, you won't need to dry all the nooks and crannies; just let it drip onto the towel.
Probably a terrible idea to advertise on your home answering machine that you'll be gone for six weeks. "Hi! You've reached the [residence]. If you want to break in before the end of next month, we won't notice until we get back. Have fun!"
This is clearly the same summer as the last book, but part of it takes place when the camp should be happening. FOUL.
The numbers:
Starting 8th grade: 7
Halloweens in 8th grade: 4 (plus one in seventh)
Thanksgivings in 8th grade: 1
Christmases in 8th grade: 1 (Hanukkah is also mentioned, but no one in the BSC celebrates it)
Valentine's Days in 8th grade: 2
Summers after 8th grade: 8
BSC Fights: 10
SMS Staff and Faculty: 48
Students (other than the BSC): 172; 108 8th graders, 6 7th graders, 42 6th graders, 15 unspecified. Baby-sitters' Winter Vacation tells us that SMS has about 380 students.
Clients: 33 families
Types of candy in Claudia’s room: 112
Mary Anne-2
Mary Anne and Camp BSC (RS#86)
Original Publication Date: 1995
Ghostwriter? Yes, Nola Thacker
During the lull between school letting out and summer camps starting, the BSC runs a circus-themed day camp. It also overlaps with a business for Mary Anne's dad. Mary Anne ends up missing a lot more than she expected to, which coincides with Alicia Gianelli's difficulty in saying goodbye to her mother during camp. Mary Anne coddles Alicia though, and has a bit of a pity party for herself. She feels left out of Dawn and Sharon's plans. While Alicia quickly adjusts to the change in her routine, Mary Anne's attempts are compounded by a sprained ankle. Alicia adjust so well that Mary Anne realizes she needs to pull herself together too, and is able to enjoy spending time with her step-family.
Also, Karen's a brat (see, SHE'S been to REAL circus camp, and knows better than everyone). She inspires some co-REAL circus campers to snot about things too, but she gets her comeuppance.
Established or continued in this book:
The Girls (and Logan):
Claudia candy: sour cream potato chips and jujubes in her closet,
In one of her early books, Kristy is fond of sleeping in late, but this book and Shannon's Story tell us that Kristy likes to get up and going.
Their Families:
In Mary Anne's first book (Mary Anne Saves the Day), she mentions that her dad asks God to bless her mother when he says grace. From this book, it's clear that he and Mary Anne no longer pray before eating. In Keep out, Claudia!, Mary Anne mentions she and her dad rarely if ever attend church, so they must have grown out of whatever religious inclinations they had.
The Club (and clients):
Shannon's still the alternate officer, with Dawn as treasurer.
Mary Anne says that Dawn helped start California's We ♥ K ids Club, but Sunny, Maggie, and Jill did that on their own and surprised Dawn with it.
Conspicuously absent from the camp are the Hobarts, Jenny Prezzioso, the Barrett/DeWitt kids, the Rodowskys (except Jackie one evening), and the Perkins. In fact, it's been a while since the Perkins girls have been mentioned. Not as conspicuous: teh Addisons, the Kormans, the Kuhns, the Robertses, and Rosie Wilder.
School's just letting out for the summer (for the 8th time).
PSA Time:
Now, Mary Anne does sulk too much in this book. But speaking from experience, a county fair is horrible if you're on crutches. You can't get around anywhere, there's a ton of stuff to trip over, you can't go on rides, you slow everybody down... Don't suggest that idea to someone who's not used to having mobility issues; let the injured party bring it up.
Also, if you're using crutches right your armpits shouldn't hurt. But you might get callouses on the sides of your ribcage a little above elbow height.
There's internal confusion on when the camp ends. Sometimes it's 5:30, sometimes 5:00.
Ew. Looks like I had a nosebleed while reading this book (happens all the time), judging by a couple tiny stains on a few pages. I must have sneezed. Too bad it's not a mystery book.
Logan says that cuckoo birds laugh. I think meant kookaburra.
I think there's a typo on page 79, when Mary Anne is talking about how many take-out menus they have: "...and ordered from [those restaurants] and they brought more food." I think "food" should be "menus."
The ghost cat is mentioned, but as something that happened to Dawn, not Mallory (in mystery #3, Mallory and the Ghost Cat).
The numbers:
Starting 8th grade: 7
Halloweens in 8th grade: 4 (plus one in seventh)
Thanksgivings in 8th grade: 1
Christmases in 8th grade: 1 (Hanukkah is also mentioned, but no one in the BSC celebrates it)
Valentine's Days in 8th grade: 2
Summers after 8th grade: 8
BSC Fights: 10
SMS Staff and Faculty: 48
Students (other than the BSC): 172; 108 8th graders, 6 7th graders, 42 6th graders, 15 unspecified. Baby-sitters' Winter Vacation tells us that SMS has about 380 students.
Clients: 33 families
Types of candy in Claudia’s room: 111
Mary Anne-2
Ghostwriter? Yes, Nola Thacker
During the lull between school letting out and summer camps starting, the BSC runs a circus-themed day camp. It also overlaps with a business for Mary Anne's dad. Mary Anne ends up missing a lot more than she expected to, which coincides with Alicia Gianelli's difficulty in saying goodbye to her mother during camp. Mary Anne coddles Alicia though, and has a bit of a pity party for herself. She feels left out of Dawn and Sharon's plans. While Alicia quickly adjusts to the change in her routine, Mary Anne's attempts are compounded by a sprained ankle. Alicia adjust so well that Mary Anne realizes she needs to pull herself together too, and is able to enjoy spending time with her step-family.
Also, Karen's a brat (see, SHE'S been to REAL circus camp, and knows better than everyone). She inspires some co-REAL circus campers to snot about things too, but she gets her comeuppance.
Established or continued in this book:
The Girls (and Logan):
Claudia candy: sour cream potato chips and jujubes in her closet,
In one of her early books, Kristy is fond of sleeping in late, but this book and Shannon's Story tell us that Kristy likes to get up and going.
Their Families:
In Mary Anne's first book (Mary Anne Saves the Day), she mentions that her dad asks God to bless her mother when he says grace. From this book, it's clear that he and Mary Anne no longer pray before eating. In Keep out, Claudia!, Mary Anne mentions she and her dad rarely if ever attend church, so they must have grown out of whatever religious inclinations they had.
The Club (and clients):
Shannon's still the alternate officer, with Dawn as treasurer.
Mary Anne says that Dawn helped start California's We ♥ K ids Club, but Sunny, Maggie, and Jill did that on their own and surprised Dawn with it.
Conspicuously absent from the camp are the Hobarts, Jenny Prezzioso, the Barrett/DeWitt kids, the Rodowskys (except Jackie one evening), and the Perkins. In fact, it's been a while since the Perkins girls have been mentioned. Not as conspicuous: teh Addisons, the Kormans, the Kuhns, the Robertses, and Rosie Wilder.
School's just letting out for the summer (for the 8th time).
PSA Time:
Now, Mary Anne does sulk too much in this book. But speaking from experience, a county fair is horrible if you're on crutches. You can't get around anywhere, there's a ton of stuff to trip over, you can't go on rides, you slow everybody down... Don't suggest that idea to someone who's not used to having mobility issues; let the injured party bring it up.
Also, if you're using crutches right your armpits shouldn't hurt. But you might get callouses on the sides of your ribcage a little above elbow height.
There's internal confusion on when the camp ends. Sometimes it's 5:30, sometimes 5:00.
Ew. Looks like I had a nosebleed while reading this book (happens all the time), judging by a couple tiny stains on a few pages. I must have sneezed. Too bad it's not a mystery book.
Logan says that cuckoo birds laugh. I think meant kookaburra.
I think there's a typo on page 79, when Mary Anne is talking about how many take-out menus they have: "...and ordered from [those restaurants] and they brought more food." I think "food" should be "menus."
The ghost cat is mentioned, but as something that happened to Dawn, not Mallory (in mystery #3, Mallory and the Ghost Cat).
The numbers:
Starting 8th grade: 7
Halloweens in 8th grade: 4 (plus one in seventh)
Thanksgivings in 8th grade: 1
Christmases in 8th grade: 1 (Hanukkah is also mentioned, but no one in the BSC celebrates it)
Valentine's Days in 8th grade: 2
Summers after 8th grade: 8
BSC Fights: 10
SMS Staff and Faculty: 48
Students (other than the BSC): 172; 108 8th graders, 6 7th graders, 42 6th graders, 15 unspecified. Baby-sitters' Winter Vacation tells us that SMS has about 380 students.
Clients: 33 families
Types of candy in Claudia’s room: 111
Mary Anne-2
Claudia Kishi, Live from WSTO! (RS#85)
Original Publication Date: 1995
Ghostwriter? Yes, Peter Lerangis
The local radio station hosts a contest for middle schoolers to compete for a chance to host a twice-weekly show. Feeling lonely (she's missing Stacey as well as Mimi and Peaches) and looking for something to do, Claudia enters. She wins, along with Ashley Wyeth. The two have an awkward start, having gone their separate ways since book #12, but they figure out a good show format and enjoy decent success, despite Kristy trying to hijack the show for BSC advertising (I think she and Karen switched bodies, given how annoying Kristy is here).
However, it turns out that part of the reason for the contest is that the station's on the verge of bankruptcy. With the winners hosting a show, the station doesn't have to pay as many employees. That is, until the station gets a large donation from the happy mother of a child who called in to the station. Turned out he was going through some very rough stuff, and Claudia was able to help him out by recommending the therapist Mary Anne saw (Mary Anne told Claudia about that in the Secret Santa letter book). So Claudia saves the day! Not only that, Claudia alludes to missing Stacey while on the air, and Stacey hears her, and the two start to slowly rekindle their friendship.
Overall, it's a fun read, more than you'd expect from the title.
Established or continued in this book:
The Girls (and Logan):
Claudia candy: Milk Duds and Snickers in her desk; pretzels and Charleston Chews under her bed; M&Ms, Raininettes, Yankee Doodles, and Doritos in her closet; Twinkies in her art supplies; Skittles in her sock drawer; plus a Milky Way bar, Peppermint Patties, Snickers, Chunky bars, Hostess cupcakes, rice cakes, Oreos, and potato chips
Kristy learned to walk before Claudia did.
Mallory's writing stories about an Oogly Oogly Beast, which actually seems pretty entertaining.
Their Families:
Claudia and Janine are definitely getting along better. Not only is Janine really sweet to Claudia when Claudia announces she won the contest, the two girls are more comfortable around each other than previously.
The Club (and clients):
Shannon's still the alternate officer, with Dawn as treasurer.
Claudia is no longer in charge of the SMS newspaper's personals column. Oddly, when she's looking for a hobby she doesn't consider returning to it nor does she indicate why she doesn't, despite mentioning the column a few times.
PSA Time:
Claudia suggests giving a baby who won't go to sleep warm milk with HONEY in it. Honey isn't recommended for children under 1 or 2 (opinions vary) because of the risk of botulism. The baby in question is 18 months old, but still...
There's a mention of a kazoo band. My dad was in one in high school, which was banned from basketball games because no one could hear the real band. Until the basketball team started losing...
Claudia alludes to how the sound of the letter "P" can "pop" in a microphone, which is one of the first things I learned about speaking in a microphone. I lector (read) at my church and my dad warned me about that so I could practice avoiding it. Also, the letter "S" can hiss really bad, so you need to almost lisp and say the "S" sound really fast.
The numbers:
Starting 8th grade: 7
Valentine's Days in 8th grade: 2
Halloweens in 8th grade: 4 (plus one in seventh)
Thanksgivings in 8th grade: 1
Christmases in 8th grade: 1 (Hanukkah is also mentioned, but no one in the BSC celebrates it)
Summers after 8th grade: 7
BSC Fights: 10
SMS Staff and Faculty: 48
Students (other than the BSC): 172; 108 8th graders, 6 7th graders, 42 6th graders, 15 unspecified. Baby-sitters' Winter Vacation tells us that SMS has about 380 students.
Clients: 31
Types of candy in Claudia’s room: 109
Mary Anne-2
Ghostwriter? Yes, Peter Lerangis
The local radio station hosts a contest for middle schoolers to compete for a chance to host a twice-weekly show. Feeling lonely (she's missing Stacey as well as Mimi and Peaches) and looking for something to do, Claudia enters. She wins, along with Ashley Wyeth. The two have an awkward start, having gone their separate ways since book #12, but they figure out a good show format and enjoy decent success, despite Kristy trying to hijack the show for BSC advertising (I think she and Karen switched bodies, given how annoying Kristy is here).
However, it turns out that part of the reason for the contest is that the station's on the verge of bankruptcy. With the winners hosting a show, the station doesn't have to pay as many employees. That is, until the station gets a large donation from the happy mother of a child who called in to the station. Turned out he was going through some very rough stuff, and Claudia was able to help him out by recommending the therapist Mary Anne saw (Mary Anne told Claudia about that in the Secret Santa letter book). So Claudia saves the day! Not only that, Claudia alludes to missing Stacey while on the air, and Stacey hears her, and the two start to slowly rekindle their friendship.
Overall, it's a fun read, more than you'd expect from the title.
Established or continued in this book:
The Girls (and Logan):
Claudia candy: Milk Duds and Snickers in her desk; pretzels and Charleston Chews under her bed; M&Ms, Raininettes, Yankee Doodles, and Doritos in her closet; Twinkies in her art supplies; Skittles in her sock drawer; plus a Milky Way bar, Peppermint Patties, Snickers, Chunky bars, Hostess cupcakes, rice cakes, Oreos, and potato chips
Kristy learned to walk before Claudia did.
Mallory's writing stories about an Oogly Oogly Beast, which actually seems pretty entertaining.
Their Families:
Claudia and Janine are definitely getting along better. Not only is Janine really sweet to Claudia when Claudia announces she won the contest, the two girls are more comfortable around each other than previously.
The Club (and clients):
Shannon's still the alternate officer, with Dawn as treasurer.
Claudia is no longer in charge of the SMS newspaper's personals column. Oddly, when she's looking for a hobby she doesn't consider returning to it nor does she indicate why she doesn't, despite mentioning the column a few times.
PSA Time:
Claudia suggests giving a baby who won't go to sleep warm milk with HONEY in it. Honey isn't recommended for children under 1 or 2 (opinions vary) because of the risk of botulism. The baby in question is 18 months old, but still...
There's a mention of a kazoo band. My dad was in one in high school, which was banned from basketball games because no one could hear the real band. Until the basketball team started losing...
Claudia alludes to how the sound of the letter "P" can "pop" in a microphone, which is one of the first things I learned about speaking in a microphone. I lector (read) at my church and my dad warned me about that so I could practice avoiding it. Also, the letter "S" can hiss really bad, so you need to almost lisp and say the "S" sound really fast.
The numbers:
Starting 8th grade: 7
Valentine's Days in 8th grade: 2
Halloweens in 8th grade: 4 (plus one in seventh)
Thanksgivings in 8th grade: 1
Christmases in 8th grade: 1 (Hanukkah is also mentioned, but no one in the BSC celebrates it)
Summers after 8th grade: 7
BSC Fights: 10
SMS Staff and Faculty: 48
Students (other than the BSC): 172; 108 8th graders, 6 7th graders, 42 6th graders, 15 unspecified. Baby-sitters' Winter Vacation tells us that SMS has about 380 students.
Clients: 31
Types of candy in Claudia’s room: 109
Mary Anne-2
Dawn and the School Spirit War (RS#84)
Original Publication Date: 1995
Ghostwriter? Yes, Suzanne Weyn
So stupid. The SMS baseball team is on a hot streak and in support, SMS puts on School Spirit Month. Yes, MONTH. Not week. Also? It's mandatory. Not explicitly, but it soon becomes very clear that there will be hell to pay if people dare forget or--perish the thought--choose to not participate. Dawn's solution to the harassment, threats, and assault (no hyperbole) is to get Spirit Month cancelled. Cue cries of teaching students to be subversive and undermining their patriotism, and of training them to be mindless sheeple. Finally, SMS compromises a return to Spirit Month, with the understanding that people can participate if they desire. LIKE IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN TO START WITH.
Rant time: I was a high school and middle school athlete, and I coached both levels (also participated in and coached for other levels). I've been part of teams that are doing very well in both capacities. I was the first girl from my high school to get on the medal stand for my track and field team (sixth place, pole vault; top 8 get medals). I was the manager of the basketball team that went to State three years in a row. I coached the cross country team that only lost one meet: the State Championships, at which they placed second. I coached the three-time League Champion and the State Champion track teams. On a far more casual level, I am huge UW Husky fan, and also support the Sounders FC, Seahawks, and Mariners. I understand being excited about sports and supporting teams. What I don't understand is forcing people who aren't connected to the team to care.
I actually agree with Dawn for the most part in this book, and sympathize with her more than I have in a while, possibly since #9 (The Ghost at Dawn's House). That's how outlandish the plot of this book is: I agree with conspiratorial, holier-than-thou Dawn Schafer. I do think she should have first attempted to have the SMS staff make it clear that participation was voluntary, but things got heated so fast that I can understand why she went straight to getting rid of it outright.
(Subplot is the Barrett-Dewitt household trying to fit into a too-small house and deciding to add on to it)
Established or continued in this book:
The Girls (and Logan):
Claudia candy:
Did we know that Mallory has blue eyes? I think we did. Dawn, Shannon, and Stacey do for sure; Jessi, Claudia, Mary Anne, and Kristy have brown eyes.
Claudia expresses concern over her fabric paint's claim of being waterproof. Makes sense, as she had that tie-dye outfit whose colors ran in the rain.
We're still subjected to a Stacey description in Chapter Two.
I have to give Logan credit: he's obviously happy that people are caring about his baseball team, but he also supports Mary Anne in standing up for herself even though she's trying to get rid of Spirit Month. He must have learned something when they had their break earlier.
Their Families: nothing new.
The Club (and clients):
Shannon's still the alternate officer, with Dawn as treasurer.
8th graders: Bruce Jamison, Katie Shea, Mary Sherwood
Teachers: Mr. Harold (science, no grade specified), Mr. Lehrer (not specified, but maybe English?), Mr. Wong (art)
Can we have a standing ovation for the vice principal, Mr. Kingbridge? When a food fight erupts, he has the students clean up the mess rather than the janitor.
Spirit Month includes the initial kick-off and Backward, Clean up Your School, Color, Dress Like a Teacher, Dress up, Garden, Make a New Friend, Mural, Pajama, and Retro Days. Dawn tells us that April 1 is a Wednesday, so that April had 22 school days (not including a possible spring break). I was expecting to find more than 22 themes, but no such luck.
Dawn's petition collected about 300 signatures, which is implied to represent about half of the student body. According to Baby-sitters' Winter Vacation, there are just under 400 students at SMS. A couple new students have joined, but not 200.
PSA Time: nothing stood out.
Misc: I was too busy being distracted by the stupidity.
The numbers:
Starting 8th grade: 7
Valentine's Days in 8th grade: 2
Halloweens in 8th grade: 4 (plus one in seventh)
Thanksgivings in 8th grade: 1
Christmases in 8th grade: 1 (Hanukkah is also mentioned, but no one in the BSC celebrates it)
Summers after 8th grade: 7
BSC Fights: 10
SMS Staff and Faculty: 48
Students (other than the BSC): 172; 108 8th graders, 6 7th graders, 42 6th graders, 15 unspecified. Baby-sitters' Winter Vacation tells us that SMS has about 380 students.
Clients: 31
Types of candy in Claudia’s room: 104
Mary Anne-2
Ghostwriter? Yes, Suzanne Weyn
So stupid. The SMS baseball team is on a hot streak and in support, SMS puts on School Spirit Month. Yes, MONTH. Not week. Also? It's mandatory. Not explicitly, but it soon becomes very clear that there will be hell to pay if people dare forget or--perish the thought--choose to not participate. Dawn's solution to the harassment, threats, and assault (no hyperbole) is to get Spirit Month cancelled. Cue cries of teaching students to be subversive and undermining their patriotism, and of training them to be mindless sheeple. Finally, SMS compromises a return to Spirit Month, with the understanding that people can participate if they desire. LIKE IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN TO START WITH.
Rant time: I was a high school and middle school athlete, and I coached both levels (also participated in and coached for other levels). I've been part of teams that are doing very well in both capacities. I was the first girl from my high school to get on the medal stand for my track and field team (sixth place, pole vault; top 8 get medals). I was the manager of the basketball team that went to State three years in a row. I coached the cross country team that only lost one meet: the State Championships, at which they placed second. I coached the three-time League Champion and the State Champion track teams. On a far more casual level, I am huge UW Husky fan, and also support the Sounders FC, Seahawks, and Mariners. I understand being excited about sports and supporting teams. What I don't understand is forcing people who aren't connected to the team to care.
I actually agree with Dawn for the most part in this book, and sympathize with her more than I have in a while, possibly since #9 (The Ghost at Dawn's House). That's how outlandish the plot of this book is: I agree with conspiratorial, holier-than-thou Dawn Schafer. I do think she should have first attempted to have the SMS staff make it clear that participation was voluntary, but things got heated so fast that I can understand why she went straight to getting rid of it outright.
(Subplot is the Barrett-Dewitt household trying to fit into a too-small house and deciding to add on to it)
Established or continued in this book:
The Girls (and Logan):
Claudia candy:
Did we know that Mallory has blue eyes? I think we did. Dawn, Shannon, and Stacey do for sure; Jessi, Claudia, Mary Anne, and Kristy have brown eyes.
Claudia expresses concern over her fabric paint's claim of being waterproof. Makes sense, as she had that tie-dye outfit whose colors ran in the rain.
We're still subjected to a Stacey description in Chapter Two.
I have to give Logan credit: he's obviously happy that people are caring about his baseball team, but he also supports Mary Anne in standing up for herself even though she's trying to get rid of Spirit Month. He must have learned something when they had their break earlier.
Their Families: nothing new.
The Club (and clients):
Shannon's still the alternate officer, with Dawn as treasurer.
8th graders: Bruce Jamison, Katie Shea, Mary Sherwood
Teachers: Mr. Harold (science, no grade specified), Mr. Lehrer (not specified, but maybe English?), Mr. Wong (art)
Can we have a standing ovation for the vice principal, Mr. Kingbridge? When a food fight erupts, he has the students clean up the mess rather than the janitor.
Spirit Month includes the initial kick-off and Backward, Clean up Your School, Color, Dress Like a Teacher, Dress up, Garden, Make a New Friend, Mural, Pajama, and Retro Days. Dawn tells us that April 1 is a Wednesday, so that April had 22 school days (not including a possible spring break). I was expecting to find more than 22 themes, but no such luck.
Dawn's petition collected about 300 signatures, which is implied to represent about half of the student body. According to Baby-sitters' Winter Vacation, there are just under 400 students at SMS. A couple new students have joined, but not 200.
PSA Time: nothing stood out.
Misc: I was too busy being distracted by the stupidity.
The numbers:
Starting 8th grade: 7
Valentine's Days in 8th grade: 2
Halloweens in 8th grade: 4 (plus one in seventh)
Thanksgivings in 8th grade: 1
Christmases in 8th grade: 1 (Hanukkah is also mentioned, but no one in the BSC celebrates it)
Summers after 8th grade: 7
BSC Fights: 10
SMS Staff and Faculty: 48
Students (other than the BSC): 172; 108 8th graders, 6 7th graders, 42 6th graders, 15 unspecified. Baby-sitters' Winter Vacation tells us that SMS has about 380 students.
Clients: 31
Types of candy in Claudia’s room: 104
Mary Anne-2
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